Why should I believe the creation story over the theory of evolution? What are the differences? Let’s take a look at why the theory of evolution just doesn’t fit the bill when it comes to the complexity of the universe.
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Being created means that your life has meaning and a purpose and that YHWH is real and the creator of man and the universe.
Evolution means your life is meaningless and has no purpose and that YHWH is not real and not the creator of man and the universe.
Let’s think about that for one moment.
If we have a creator, it means The Bible is true, we have a savior. It means we are to expose evil. It means we are loved by our Father (creator) and we have everlasting life through Him.
What if… what if, for the sake of argument here, if you are a nonbeliever, the Bible is true. This means that you live as an exile in a foreign land – seeing that you are a Christian and your kingdom is spiritual and your King is in another realm – and this foreign land belongs to a prince. The prince of the power of the air, the prince of the children of disobedience, the prince of this world, who is in complete opposition to the Kingdom of God. If all this is true and you live in enemy territory, what would the enemy of the Kingdom of God have you believe? Common sense tells me that the prince of this would have you believe that you have no savior, your life is meaningless, you are not loved by the Father, but hey, worship me and I will love you or worship “mother earth” or elemental spirits or whoever – you see they are all on the same team. It’s Christ and the children of God vs the prince of the world and children of disobedience. The prince of this world would definitely never want you to expose evil. I mean, that’s what he is. Don’t expose him. He would also definitely never want you to know you have everlasting life through your Father – God – YHWH. He would rather you try creams, pop pills, take herbal supplements, and practice transhumanism mixing yourself with robots, using baby foreskins like some Hollywood stars put on their faces, and all sorts of things to cheat death, look young, live forever, fight the “disease called death”, because the enemy and his minions think they can obtain eternal life this way, bypassing the Father and Jesus. But, they can’t. So, of course, when you live in the enemy’s world, the enemy would never want you to know about the gifts you could receive for free from your true creator. That exposes the enemy and gets you not focusing on him, but on God. That’s just common sense.
Who teaches us evolution? Where did you hear about it? School? Who runs the school? They used to have Bibles in school. Now they don’t. Oh, the government runs schools, so you only get one side of a creation story. The evolution side because creation by our Father is not taught in school anymore. I mean, we should totally trust the government, right? They’ve never steered us wrong – Even though evolution is a theory, cannot be observed over time (so doesn’t even fit the class of a scientific theory), and doesn’t explain dinosaurs. And, wait a minute. The Bible says there were giants and we’ve dug up giant bones all across the world from the US to Australia to China from 8 – 36 feet tall. The bones are also taken away, but we have old newspaper articles and magazines articles and eye witness accounts and even Abraham Lincoln mentioning them in a speech. Where do giants fit into evolution?
And, why is a creator so much farther fetched than everything that lives on the planet coming from the exact same single cell organism found in a lake. That sounds preposterous. How can one single cell makes all these different animals and humans. Doesn’t make any sense to me. Never did.
As a matter of fact, there are numerous scientists and physicists that say we do have a creator.
And YHWH has been found inside our DNA. All of our DNA is made up of the letters ATGC as a code like a binary code. It’s 3 billion letters long! It would take you 50 years typing 8 hours per day to type one DNA strand out. The letters match the elements of life and actually spell out YHWH. DNA mapping for human DNA spells out YAH and YHVH either way you map it. DNA that are not a double helix in shape are called A-DNA Z-DNA (beginning and end, right?), Triplex DNA (the trinity), and Cruciform DNA – Jesus was crucified. A scientist found a message inside our DNA that says God Eternal within the body in the first layer of text. He says there are many. Another researcher found there are 22 amino acids and 22 Hebrew letters, so did some checking in the human genome and found the 14 most common names for God 500,000 times in each cell and YHWH 500 times in each cell. He found STN nowhere. He found YHWH in animals, too, but found it in humans 3 times more than animals. He also found a message that reads Yah is every life. And A light heart is like a garden.
YHWH has placed his name inside our DNA. He has placed His Spirit inside our bodies. He has placed His Son in our hearts. He has placed the choice in our hands. Please… I challenge you to just pick up a Bible, start reading, repent with a true heart and pray. You don’t know what can happen until you do. If you want to be scientific you have to perform this side of the experiment. Try it, being all in, and see what happens. I bet it changes your life.