Are you tracking mud through the Lord’s camp? Are you lukewarm and doubleminded, unstable in all your ways? Have you not picked a side in this cosmic war? It’s time to choose – The Kingdom of God or the kingdom of darkness.
Imagine this. A line drawn in the sand center of a battlefield. One side is the Kingdom of God. The other side is the kingdom of darkness. THIS IS where we live. It is our reality.
This means that you have to make a choice. Will you choose to take sides with the kingdom of darkness or will you choose to take your stand with the Kingdom of God. Choose this day who you will serve.
Scripture tells us that we cannot choose to serve both. You will either love the one and hate the other.
Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.
The LORD wishes that we were either hot or cold and not walking the line in the center, playing hokey pokey, keeping one foot in His Kingdom and one foot in the enemy camp. Why? No one does that but a traitor. A Benedict Arnold. You are profaning the Holy Place. You are bringing filth into His Glory. You are tracking mud up and down His throne room. You are dragging His Name through the mud. You have no Honor for Him, No regard for Him, No respect for Him, No love of Him.
You must place your allegiance on one side or the other. It’s so disgusting to the LORD that you would be this type of traitor to His Kingdom, that you would choose to tarnish it with the world, that He says if you are walking with a foot in both kingdoms, that you are lukewarm and He will spew you out of His mouth. He hates it.
The question is – Why would you want to, Church? I know there are some of us that have dedicated our lives to serving the LORD and we are completely out of the world; however there are some who place belief on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but are still living in the world. They are not sober, they are not vigilant, they are in the bar every weekend, they are celebrating Halloween, they are watching horror flicks, they are singing songs straight from the kingdom of darkness, they are attending wicked concerts, they are buying evil toys for their children and revealing clothes for themselves – the list could go on and on and on. When I think about it, I think they are not transformed by the renewing of their mind for four main reasons.
- They have not received the Gift of the Holy Spirit and they are not born of the Spirit – which you must be to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
- They don’t understand the spiritual consequences of such actions. They think worldly items and actions are harmless, when in fact, they are attaching demonic entities to themselves and even changing their very DNA by participating in the kingdom of darkness (and then you pass that onto your offspring). They are hindering their prayers. They are being drawn farther and farther away from the presence of the LORD.
- They like living in their own sin and they are not willing to give it up. They think, “Yes, I believe in Jesus, but I’m not willing to give up anything I love in this world for Him.” Yes, Jesus gave up everything for us. He left His position in the Heavenly realm to come down here and take on flesh. He knew what would happen. He knew the suffering before Him, yet He did it still, even when we despised Him. He was slain from the foundation of the world. How can He lay His very life down for us the most precious act of Love and we can’t even give up a concert, beer, drugs, violent television for Him? Jesus wants a relationship with us. The church is the Bride of Christ. You marry someone you love and who loves you back the same way. Are you loving Him back the same way? Do you have a relationship with Him? Do you KNOW Him? Do you know His voice? If not, you are in the danger zone.
- Their pastors have led them astray. The pastors are preaching belief on the LORD Jesus and then… do whatever you want – God’s grace is over you. It’s a free for all without any obedience. That’s not what the Scriptures say. This is called hypergrace. The LORD says although the pastors leading the flocks astray are in deep trouble, so are we who follow them because we are to know His Word. This means you are not reading the Word or you would know it and you would know what is being taught is wrong.
The main stream church is getting left behind. I was recently called about every name in book and told to seek help because I was standing against Halloween. It was all about the candy to the “Christians”. It was harmless. Someone even said that if Jesus was here, He would be handing out candy! My jaw literally hit the floor. I don’t understand what Jesus is being preached these days. The Jesus I read about is a brave, courageous, warrior who rides on a white horse out to make war against the wicked. He bridled His tongue in wisdom in front of the wicked, but also rebuked them, as we are to expose every evil practice. We are to have no fellowship with the kingdom of darkness! Jesus has hair white as snow like wool with eyes flaming with fire. His feet look like bronze coming out of furnace. He is God. Everything was created by Him and For Him and through Him and there was not anything made that was not made by Him. All things will return back to Him. He inherits all things. Everything is His, even you. Jesus is not celebrating an evil man-made holiday and giving candy to kids on Halloween. Have we not read our Bible to know who Jesus is?
Church!! You have to not be partakers of the sins of the world. You are to living in the Kingdom of God. We serve a King, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. We live, walk, talk, and make war against the wicked in the Kingdom of God. We wear His family name as adopted children of the Most High God. We are outfitted with the Armor of God to protect against the schemes of the enemy. We put ourselves into fasting and prayer to tear down strongholds that manifest and exalt themselves against the Kingdom of God. We are in all out war! Stop being a traitor and useless soldier to the Kingdom. Stop running back and forth between the enemy camp and the LORD’s camp, bring your muck into our ranks. Stop sitting idle on the battlefield just waiting to get hit and not advancing Kingdom. Stop watching your brothers and sisters fall and laying down alongside them. Stop it! Pick up your Sword and march into battle. When it comes to the end, all things are black and white. You were either With Christ and Gathering or Against Him and Scattering. There is no in between. The in between gets you spewed out.
Ephesians 5:14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.