The Road

There was a time in all of our lives when we were lost, lonely, and afraid.  We may have put on a brave front, but in all reality, we were a scared, emotional mess.  “Good Times” were nothing but a cover, acting as a band aid for the hurt.  Once saved, we feel so undeserving and ashamed of ourselves.  Looking back we see how blind and wretched we were. But, none of us are alone in this.  The entities that lead us astray are ancient and good at what they do.  They hit us when we are young because babies are easy targets.  They have no mercy in destroying God’s children.  Remember, the LORD wishes for none to perish, not one.  Jesus paid the price for His bride.  You are redeemed.  You are restored.  You are healed.  You are a child of God.  You are a son/daughter of the Most High God.  You belong to family.  You have an identity.  You are safe.  You are loved.  You are a royal priest.  You belong to a Holy Nation.  You are a warrior.

There’s a road that’s really lonely

When you’re traveling with just a soul

The skies are dark, forever dreary

In your heart is a big empty hole.

You hide in fear amongst the shadows

The dark keeps chasing you away.

You keep running, running faster

And you’ve never seen the light of Day.

I can’t make it on my own

I’m a mess, my hope is gone

Demons are all around me

From the wicked seeds that I have sewn

I’m too wretched for your favor

I’ll never make it through your gate

I sin and stumble on every block

I should give up, Hell is my fate.

Lift up your face

Look up to the sky

You’re redeemed to The Father

I’m the reason why

You can make it

When I’m with you.

I bled and died

To make it right.

The free gift is waiting for you

Just take my hand, you don’t have to fight.

There’s a road that leads to glory

When you’re walking in the spirit

The lamp is bright, forever shining

In your heart is my voice, you can hear it.

No need to fear, don’t be afraid.

Put on my armor, and trust my word.

Prepare your mind for the battle

Resist the devil and he’ll flee, rest assured.

Written by Tracy Terry

Copyright 2021