Fire Inside

I wrote this song thinking about how we are to never quench The Spirit and always keep our lights burning.


Fire Inside

You have a light inside
and a fire that’s burning
He knows you by name
So don’t you quench that flame

The Spirit is willing
but the flesh is weak
When the devil tries to blame,
Don’t you quench that flame

When doubt creeps in
and temptations are lurking
it’s all about quenching
that fire that’s burning
He leaves us guiltless
and erases our shame
So put on your armor
and ignite that flame

There’s a fire inside you
There’s nothing you can’t do
Miracles of healing and raising the dead
Did you hear what I just said?
There’s God inside you
There’s no miracle you can’t do
So don’t you quench that flame

When the enemy come in
for a spiritual attack
Don’t roll over and
give up your back
Put up your guard
and put it in prayer
‘Cause Yahweh defeats

You have a light inside that
shines bright before men
It blinds demons by His name
So don’t you quench that flame


Written by Tracy Terry

Copyright 2020