lost youth

How quickly we forget what it was like to be in that inbetween stage.  You’re not a little kid anymore, but you’re not an adult yet.  Where do I fit in?  Where do I belong? It was such a trying time.  You were breaking free into your own person. You may have had a rebellious spirit because of not wanting to be treated like a child by your parents.  You thought you knew everything, yet you knew nothing.  If you were not brought up in the way you should go, following the LORD, parental guidance was most likely lacking and you sought answers where answers were not found. The fun you had was the result of bad influence and being truly lost.  You didn’t find answers, just laughs and friendship with those who were just like you.  Only they truly were not your friends.  They only lead you even more astray.  So many of our teens are lost.  They are looking for answers and if we as parents are not providing the proper instruction, they will be influenced by outside sources:  “friends”, music, drugs, demonic crafts.  This song is about lost youth looking for identity, adulthood, freedom, but being influenced by the wrong people and ending up in bondage.

Finding Freedom

I am a misfit

No one understands my thoughts

How do I feel, I don’t know

I don’t know who I am or who I’m not

I want to be free

I want to break chains

I want to feel calm

and heal these heart pains

I leave home

to find my answers

and I meet all kinds of friends

…You all know how this ends…

I learn of evil. I learn of lies.

I get trapped, snared, stumble, and fall

My feet are swift, my ears are itchy

And now I think I know it all.

…My lack of knowledge will be my downfall…

I’ve found ways to open doors

Doors that my Father didn’t open up

Now I’m deceived and acting foolish

From things I ate, smoked, and drank in my cup

I am drowning. I need a savior.

I can’t see.  I can’t feel and I can’t walk.

Thought I was free, but I’m in bondage.

Please take my hand I just need to talk…

Don’t hide your face when I begin to knock.

Rescue me and bring me back to the flock.

There is still time on my clock.


Written by Tracy Terry

Copyright 2021