Song All Creation Worships

I wrote this song thinking about how defiant humans are to their creator.  It’s amazing that all of creation: the animals, rocks, plants, water, all worship YHWH.  Have you listened to the plants making music?  It’s amazing how they will sing in harmony when plugged into each other.  Oh, how glorious all of creation singing must be!  This song is more of a hymn.


All Creation Worships

When I look around
And I hear the singing trees
When I look around
And I hear the faithful flocks
Then I look around
As all creation sings
And I hear the world rejoice
To the King of Kings

When I look around
And I feel the chords of light
When I look around
And I feel the drops of dew
Then I look around
And feel My Father close
Just Above the firmament
Sits The Lord of Hosts

All creation worships our Holy King
The fields are jubilant and the forests sing
The mountains give Him Praise
Waves of the sea give Him glory
‘Round His throne is sung Holy, Holy, Holy!

When I look around

And I see the brilliant stars
When I look around
And I see uniting rivers
Then I look around
At good fruit across the Lands
As the sky proclaims the work
Of His mighty hands

When I look around
And I smell the waving grass
When I look around
And I smell the dancing flowers
Then I look around
And I clap with all the trees
Shouting with the valleys
And whistling with the gentle breeze

All creation worships our Holy King
The fields are jubilant and the forests sing
The mountains give Him Praise
Waves of the sea give Him glory
‘Round His throne is sung Holy, Holy, Holy!


Written by Tracy Terry

Copyright 2021