Judgement protection

We are the Lord’s family.  He is our strong fortress and our high tower.  He compasses us about as a shield.  We find shelter under the shadow of His wings.  When we are In Him and He is Us, walking in obedience to our King, we are protected from the judgements on the heathen.

It had never rained on Earth before. The followers of the Lord were vegetarians, every green thing mentioned in The Word was given for meat.

After Genesis 6, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and took of all who they chose, the giants were on the earth in those days and after that, and the thoughts of men were ONLY wicked CONTINUALLY.  These hybrid DNA corrupted offspring were continually evil. Only Noah was Perfect In His Generations.

It took Noah 120 years to build the ark. Lifetime of a man. No one repented as he preached. He was laughed and scorned and then it rained as God promised as He is faithful.

The Lord says to listen to My Prophets.

It rained 40 days, 40 nights – time of trial and testing (Moses on Mt. Sinai, Jesus in wilderness, Exodus in the wilderness).

A sign of baptism – lifted out of the waters and saved.

The Lord shut the door, like on the 5 virgins without oil. There will be a time when the door is shut and there will be no more chances for faith.

The raven never came back, but the dove (The Holy Spirit) did and then went out into the world. The Lord would give us His Holy Spirit later.

The animals came as the Lord called them, clean and unclean (makes me think of Jews and Gentiles). He knew which ones were not corrupted by the fallen ones who left their first estate.

So much prophecy!

The Lord keeps His Followers in Obedience to Him protected from harm during the judgments – we see it here with Noah and we see it with the Hebrews who painted their doorways in Egypt.  This is why we are to have No Fear and to stay in Obedience to our King.  We are protected under the shadow of His wings because we make the Most High our habitation.