Our Mission

Our mission is to advance the Kingdom of God on Earth, exalting The Name of The Father in everything, through tactical training in spiritual warfare.

What We Believe

  • We believe the Bible is the literal, inspired Word of God.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, Son of God, who was fully human and fully God.  He is the ONLY WAY to The Father.
  • We believe in celebrating The Lord’s Seven Feasts commanded of us in The Word, and not worldly holidays mixed with paganism.
  • We believe in following The Law and Commandments of God.
  • We believe there is One Most High God, YHWH, who exists in three aspects of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe the gospel, that Jesus Christ is The Only Begotten Son of The Father, He was born of a miraculous virgin birth, He performed many miracles, He died and was resurrected, He sits at the right hand of The Father, He is returning, and we are redeemed through his sacrifice which was sufficient for all.
  • We believe you are made a new creation through the power of The Holy Spirit when you truly repent and believe.
  • We believe in the restoration of Eden on Earth where we will live and reign with our Father at the end of days.
  • We believe that life begins at conception.
  • We believe everything is a spiritual battle and we must be prepared for war on a daily basis with our weapons of prayer, wearing the Armor of God, being sober and vigilant at all times.
  • We believe marriage is the union between one man and one woman.  We believe you are born either a male or a female.  Anything to the contrary, or the desire to be something else, is demonic influence.
  • We believe you are either for Christ or against Him.  You are either a child of disobedience or a child of God.  Your Father is either our heavenly Father or the father of lies.  There are only two sides.  Woe to them who are lukewarm.
  • We believe we are not of this world, but of the Kingdom of God, walking wisely and not unwise because the days are evil.  We are to be a light in the darkness – kindly and patiently sharing the true gospel with the lost.  We are to expose the darkness.  We are in exile and are to be ambassadors to our Kingdom.
  • We believe deception is everywhere, especially on your television and in social media.  The only true fact checking you can be sure of is The Word of God in your Bible and discernment from the Holy Spirit.  Everything else is false information.