Have you ever wondered how we came up with our logo?  Well, sit down and open your ears for a fun little story about how the Terry With The Word logo came about.

The main shape centered in our logo is the Ark, Noah’s Ark, that was lifted up by the waters that cleansed the Earth from wickedness.  The Ark is resting upon the waters, a wave.  The rainbow is above the Ark, signifying God’s covenant. 

Terry With The Word

However, there is another story told in the logo as well.  The main shape, The Ark, also looks like a shield, the shield of faith.  There is a tabernacle on top of the shield.  The waters below the Ark, also look like a book, the Holy Bible.  We remain faithful to His Word.  We remain in Him and He in Us.  The rainbow above also represents the sound waves icon for podcasting.  Hear The Word of the Lord.