old testament is today

The Old Testament time when nations surrounding God’s people were worshipping a pantheon of gods was not just long ago. It’s happening right now, today. Look around.  Idol worship is on display everywhere.  Passing sons and daughters through the fire is a campaign with a building in every city and protest parades where mother’s shout in anger for the right to kill their unborn babies happen on a weekly basis.

While out and about in the fallen world, looking around, scrolling through my Newsfeed and so much more, I see a world that has not changed. A world similar to the Old Testament. It’s just another era. Sometimes, we read through our Old Testament and are in disbelief at the atrocities the “nations” surrounding the Israelites were committing, the pagan gods they were worshipping, the sacrifices they were making… YET it is the exact same thing that is going on today.
Look around you. Look at the atrocities being committed – transgenderism (What is that?! How is that even a word?! But the god of the age is androgynous, so… Where are they taking us? – Where are they trying to take you?), more than two genders (Nope. No such thing. – Yet, the enemy of this world has you believing there is, when even the “science” says different. What is the world is a nonbinary ____ and how are you a “they” or “them” without referring to demons?), mother’s angry for not being able to murder their children, political leaders trying to normalize pedophilia, the world celebrating atrocious holidays such as Halloween, the list can go on and on for days on end. Even the worship of saints is just worship of a pantheon of deities who can cater to your every need, just like Egypt in Exodus, in disguise.  God IS powerful enough and this puts His name to open shame.  Woe! That is just a small sample.
Everywhere I look, I see young and old thinking their symbolisms are cool, the bands they are worshipping are cool, their evil memes are cool, their graphic shirts are cool, etc. baphomet, pentagrams, ankhs, 666, satan, monsters, evil teeth, odinism, demons have infiltrated everything from our movies, our music, our schools, and even our children’s toys. Is it any surprise? No. But, the enemy is pushing to normalize these things more and more, year by year.
Make no mistake. God will not be mocked. Yes, He loves you, but He is also just. He will not give His glory to another. He is jealous for you. He is coming back full of wrath to avenge on the wicked. Are you the wicked? You best know that your stance on worshipping satan and wearing pentagrams and writing 666 on your motorcycles and notebooks and singing satanic songs and practicing yoga and using crystals and so on and so forth is the right one because the Lord will not tarry. Whether you believe it or not, you will stand before Him, Your Creator, in judgement. You will have to make an account for every single idle word spoken. You will have to let him know you deflected from his army to the enemy. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God!
Repent, cowards! Turn back to the LORD your Creator! He wishes for none to perish. He pardons abundantly. BUT, when it’s too late, it’s too late. When you see Him face to face, it’s all said and done. No more chances to repent. No more changes to turn to righteousness. No more chances for faith. It’s done. Return to the Lord of Hosts today, for tomorrow is not promised to you.
Praying you are pulled from the fire.
In Christ,