never leave me yahweh

This is a poem I wrote for those times when you don’t feel the presence of the LORD. You miss Him soooo much. You feel like a lost child when you cannot feel Him around. But, be rest assured, He is always working!

Sometimes I feel cold and oh so all alone

I wish I could dial your number and talk on the phone

These are times when you feel so far away

And I miss you. I need to feel you every single day.


I fall on my knees and pray.

I sing hymns in my heart all day.

I beg you to shine your face upon me.

Where you are is where I want to be.


Don’t leave me Yahweh.

I’ll never do things my way.

You’re so good.


You guide every step I take.

Every life event works for good for my sake.

I praise you when I first wake up.

Your Holy Spirit is what fills my cup.


Keep kindling my fire.

Storing treasures in heaven is my heart’s desire.

Without you, I feel so alone.

One day I will stand before your throne.

And say…


Never leave me Yahweh.

I’ll never do things my way.

You’re so good.


Even when I can’t feel you

And think you’ve left me stray

You’re always working behind the scenes

To make me a way.


I’ll never forget

How forgiving you are.

How loving you are.

How good you are.

Because even when I know I don’t deserve it,

There you are.


Written by Tracy Terry

Copyright December 28, 2020