God Speaks

I wrote this song thinking about the way in which God speaks to us.  He calls us.  He leads us.  There is power in His Words. He is the Living Word.  When He speaks things move – mountains, seas, stones, people.  He is the Creator of All Things and all of creation worships Him.  YHWH Speaks.  As for the idols of the heathen, they neither hear, nor see, nor speak.

My God Who Speaks

You spoke a song into my heart
A song that played for several weeks
I sung it to you with devotion
To my God who speaks

You poured out your Spirit upon me
You spoke the words Follow Me
Without hesitation I followed
My God who speaks

My God has a voice
My God sings over me
My God is a light speaking love in His mercy, and victory

Holy is my God who speaks

You spoke a good word into my dream
That You are my greatest gift
You sent Your Word to heal
You sent My God who speaks

You made a way in the darkness
A way for me to be redeemed
You spoke your will and doors opened
To my God who speaks

My God has a voice
My God sings over me
My God is a light speaking love in His mercy, and victory

Armies they fall
Seas are shut up
Idols break down before my God who speaks

Mountains they move
Trees clap their hands
Heavens bow down before my God who speaks
My God who speaks

Holy is my God who speaks


Written by Tracy Terry

Copyright July 09, 2022