Jesus Judge

Jesus Gets Us is not an excuse to wallow around in the muck of our sin and think we are saved.  Jesus said we must be born of the Spirit.  A change is expected to take place with the renewing of your mind and the putting off of the old self.  Be Holy for He is Holy.  Jesus was tempted in every way to understand what we go through so that He would be a righteous high priest and judge.  And, He is.

I’ve seen a lot of people as of late coming against the Jesus gets us campaign.  This is why.  Jesus gets us, not so that He can hang around with us, or be tolerant of us.  Jesus gets us because He judges us.  One of the reasons that Jesus was sent was to experience everything that we have experienced so that He can become a merciful high priest, a righteous and just judge.  And He is one. He was tempted in every way possible that we are tempted here on earth, yet, He walked it out perfectly.  He never disobeyed the law or commandments of His Father.  Does He understand the temptations that we go through?  Yes.
You know that passage that everyone likes to use out of context to say not to judge people, but what it actually says is that when you get over the thing that you are judging your brother or sister for, because you’re doing the same thing, when you take that beam out of your eye, then you will be able to judge righteously and help your brother or sister.  It never says not to judge people there. It says not to be a hypocrite.  A hypocrite is when you are laying accusations and judging someone when you’re doing the exact same thing.  But when you’ve overcome that thing, then you can help your brother and sister because you have overcome it and you know how. Jesus did that.  He never goes against Scripture.  He’s able to help us through whatever we’re going through because he was tempted in every way and overcame. He has now become a righteous and just judge of us.
Does He get us?  More like He understands what we go through here on earth.  But, He does not excuse our actions or choices.  There are consequences for sin.  And while He was here, He said things like, You are of your father the devil, Oh you of little faith, How much longer must I remain with you, go and sin no more before something worse happens to you, get behind me satan, and He took out whips and overturned tables.  He gets that we’re going straight to hell, because that’s what we deserve.  And because He loves us, He made a way back to the Father.  He told us that no one had ascended to heaven except the Son of Man who descended.  No one. He made The Way.  He is the only way.
Jesus said that there is no greater love than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends and you are my friends IF you keep my commandments.  IF.
He is a Holy God and we are commanded to be Holy as He is Holy.  Every knee will bow and everyone will give an account, even of every idle word spoken.  We are made in His image and should reflect the image of God.  We are not to be friends of the world.  A friend of the world is an enemy of God.
Whose friend are you?  A friend of Jesus who laid down His life for you granting you eternal life and you keep His commandments passing through the narrow gate OR a friend of the world holding hands with one another denying Jesus while running down the broad road of destruction?  And don’t think you can just pick Jesus on your death bed after living a life of sin because He knows your heart.

*Photo by freepik.