Fibromyalgia Healing

After suffering from Fibromyalgia for over seven years, I was healed by the LORD.  This is the story of my healing. 

I hope this testimony blesses you.

I suffered from Fibromyalgia for seven years.  I was diagnosed in 2013 by my general practitioner and in 2014 by my rheumatologist.  I went through a wide array of testing to rule out other conditions.  I had blood tests, EEGs, and EMGs (which hurt!).  My symptoms included:  my entire body feeling like a bruise, muscle cramping and pain, feeling of being electrocuted, feeling ice in veins, feeling of skin crawling, feeling of having my calves sliced with a knife as I walked, brain fog, muscle fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, involuntary muscle movement in my fingers and thumbs, constant pain bouncing on a scale of 7-9 most days, painful nodules in my abdomen, feeling of skin on fire, slurred speech, confusion, and more.  I had four pages typed of symptoms that I would bring to my doctor’s office.  I spent most days in my pajamas because clothes hurt my skin.  I stayed in bed often. It hurt to comb my hair, dry myself off out of the bath (sometimes I would cry and my husband would have to help me), and to hold a cup by the handle.  It’s like being kicked down a flight of stairs while having the flu and then someone comes along and kicks you all over and lights you on fire while electrocuting you and slicing you with a knife – all while having cognitive issues on top of it.  It’s a condition you would not wish on your worst enemy.
One night in the summer of 2020, I went to sleep after praying for myself, which I never do; however, a couple weeks beforehand someone in an online group told me it was impressed upon them to tell me to pray for myself.  They couldn’t explain it, they just “knew” to tell me.  I did not know this person. I had never interacted with them before, not even in an online format.  I had always thought it was selfish to pray for myself and spent my prayer time praying for others.  I now know that it is not selfish to pray for yourself.  Many people prayed for themselves all throughout Scripture, even Jesus!
It was now a couple weeks later, and I prayed for myself before I fell asleep.  I asked the LORD to release me from this affliction and pain.  I told the LORD I had been dealing with this awful condition for seven years and it was my Jubiliee. I went to sleep and had a dream.
In my dream, I heard a voice say the following:
“Of all the gifts that are given, God is the greatest gift of all. And, I heard a voice in the heaven as thunder saying, ‘This is my son in whom I am well pleased.'”
Then, He gave me a Psalm to read. I opened my Bible in my dream and it said, highlighted in pink, “And He is coming back.”
I woke up and read Psalm 22:24, which He gave me:
For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard.
At that moment, I realized all of my pain was gone. Gone!
Praise the LORD, My Healer!