Sometime along the way, in our youth, most of us get lost. You know the verse… Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6. I know I got lost a long time ago. I got lost along the way. So do many other people. Many of our children are getting lost. We see this so strongly evident today. They can’t even decide if they are boys or girls, and a lot of that isn’t their own fault as the school teachers and doctors are pushing these ideas on them. This goes for children of all ages. Many don’t have parents training them up. Many are being deceived.
I read an article recently written by a mother who is in a support group for parents with children who are “confused” about whether they are boys or girls. These children are grade school age children. In the article, she stated that over 80% of the children in her support group had a form of mental illness. She stated that the doctors in charge of care for these children were telling them that they had something wrong with them because they were supposed to be the opposite gender. Because they have this “gender issue”, per the Doctor, they need to take medicine – the medicine is hormones. This is evidence that there are Doctors planting these ideas in the children’s heads on purpose. It’s an agenda. That is clearly evident because we didn’t have these problems before and we are having a magnitude of these problems now.
If that’s not scary enough, I watched a video of a street preacher at a pride parade who was talking to two young women taking part in the parade. These two young women admitted that they didn’t like themselves, that they were sad, and that they wanted to hurt themselves. These were horrible things to hear a young person say. These young women said that’s why they needed to have their medicine. Again, the medicine was hormones provided by their Doctors. The street preacher and his ministry team prayed over the young women. One of them started to faint as her eyeballs rolled into the back of her head. She was receiving deliverance through prayer.
Someone once said to my husband that church is only for the guilty. That’s absolutely true. We are all guilty.
1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
We all fall short of the glory of God. We fall down every single day, sometimes several times a day. To think that we aren’t guilty is actually prideful. It’s definitely not being humble or showing meekness. How could you ever say that you do nothing wrong? Who sets the standard for what’s right and what’s wrong? Who says that where you fall on that line is not guilty? YHWH, the Creator of the Heaven and Earth Does, not a human being. Just think about the Ten Commandments. Have you ever lied in your life? Have you ever talked back to your parents? Have you committed adultery according to what YHWH considers adultery, worshipping an idol/another god? If there is anything that you won’t give up even though you know it’s wrong or you found out the truth about it, but you are still unwilling to give it up because it satisfies your flesh, then you are committing adultery. You are loving that thing more than YHWH.
We can all be guilty of adultery. For instance, this can be songs that we love. I recently had to edit my playlist, and it’s not the first time. I’ll probably even do it again. Once I find out something about an artist or record label that is not in-line with Jesus Christ, I have to delete that song from my playlist. My playlist keeps getting smaller and smaller. I’ve had to delete some of my most favorite songs. I admit I wrestled with it for a minute, but I did it. You have to give it up for Him. What’s more important? The most important thing to me, and I tell the LORD all the time, is that He looks down and smiles upon me because I am a daughter to delight in. There is not a song on this Earth that gives me some kind of euphoria high that I cannot give it up for Him.
What about cigarettes? I smoked for a long time. There are many Christians that still do. He doesn’t want us putting carcinogens into our bodies. And these days, who really even knows what is in these cigarettes. You can’t trust a thing, not even the meat at the grocery store. I look at the meat all the time wondering if it’s cloned meat. Buy from a butcher. Some people are going vegetarian for that very reason. We know He doesn’t want us eating cloned meat. That’s why we must pray over our food, to make it acceptable for eating and putting into our Holy Temples/our bodies. Think about the cigarette smoke going into and out of your lungs, affecting your entire body. I have Celiac Disease and I cannot have gluten. It didn’t rear its ugly head until after I stopped smoking. I thought, “Geez. I quit smoking and now all these horrible symptoms are happening to me.” I then read that a residue from smoking was lining my intestines masking the condition. People with Celiac Disease may not show symptoms if they are smokers, but once they quit and their intestines heal, it becomes manifest. Who would have ever thought? What else are cigarettes hiding? We know that cigarettes are hardeners. They harden the heart in the same way alcohol is used to drown sorrows. They keep your heart hard, like stone, instead of becoming fleshly. They stop you from dealing with life situations and emotions in a proper way, with a heart of flesh.
What about Christmas Trees? Everyone knows that December 25th IS NOT Jesus’ Birthday, but yet everyone keeps celebrating it as Jesus’ Birthday, which the LORD never told us to do anywhere in His Word. Scripture doesn’t even give us the date of Jesus’ birth, probably for this exact reason. YHWH laid out His Feasts. It’s highly probable that Jesus was born on a Feast Day as all major events occur on a Feast day. He was most likely born on Feast of Trumpets in September (9-11), although we speculate on that. Yet, no one wants to give up their beautiful Christmas Tree with the pretty lights, that Druid worship item, that tree cut down with an axe and decorated in gold and silver fastened that it move not. – Jeremiah 10. Are you going to tell the Lord when you are standing in front of Him that you knew it was pagan, but you wouldn’t give it up for Him because you thought the lights were pretty? Have your answer ready because He is going to ask you why you worshipped that tree.
I had to learn to stop doing these things when I learned the truth. I know people who I brought the truth to and they won’t stop doing them. I’m not saying I’m perfect at all. There are plenty of things for me to learn still. I’m sure there are more things that I am doing that I shouldn’t be doing. Some addictions, psychological things we do, habits are hard to break, but we have to keep praying about it. We must keep fasting and praying to break the yokes on our back. Ask the LORD for help because where we are weak, He is strong.
When we are teenagers, we hear things from our friends and we take those things to be true, especially when we don’t have anyone else to tell us otherwise. This is one reason why it is so important to train a child up in the way they should go and to talk to them about Jesus. Teach them about what Jesus did and why He did it. I’m going to tell you right now that I didn’t learn anything in church, the building. Not a single thing. It wasn’t until I started reading on my own and watching videos and listening to teachers who were trying to teach truth that my eyes really started to open up to the gospel. I finally started to see the Truth right in front of me. This is where parents really need to fill in the gap. If you go to church and you don’t hear truth that rattles your bones and makes you repent – if you are going to church and just warming up a pew – if you are going to church and you’re falling asleep while some preacher is going on and on boring you silly while you perform repetitive actions – what are you getting out of that? What action are you taking when you get home? What action are you taking during the week? If you don’t leave church fired up for God – If you don’t leave that church ready to make a change – If you don’t leave that church implementing what you learned all week – If you don’t leave that church looking to change your life, someone else’s life, or to have self reflection – If you don’t leave that church with a hunger to study the Word of God that you just heard – something is seriously wrong.
I hated going to church. I didn’t want to say that, but it’s true. I was bored out of my mind. I had to get up early and I was a late sleeper. I had to sit on hard bench/pew and be uncomfortable for 1 – 1.5 hours. I heard no words that made any sense to me. No explanation was ever given for what was read. Normally, there was a guest reader and you could never hear what they were saying. Most of the time, the preacher then preached about their own life and I wondered what that had to do with me because the preacher was not good at relating the Scripture to their own life let alone mine. The message seemed to only be about 15 minutes of service because the rest of it was singing. I’m all for singing and praising our Lord, but when you have 45 minutes of intro and outro singing with a 15 minute message for your congregation, something is wrong. Other minutes are spent talking about what they are doing this weekend in their activities, whose birthday it is, shaking hands, etc. I would walk out the door not having learned a thing. Then, I went back and did the same thing the next week. I changed nothing in my life. I knew nothing about the gospel. Just like Christ fills in the gap where we are weak, we need to fill in the gap for our children so they are strong in the Lord.
When I was in high schools some of my friends would say that Christians just made up God so that they had something to make themselves feel better, and Jesus was just a prophet. I hear so many unbelievers say this exact same thing. It really is a ridiculous statement, knowing what I know now. Sadly, many unbelievers know way more about the gospel and what’s in the Bible then most Christians do. It’s really striking. The problem for unbelievers is that they don’t have the Holy Spirit to give the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of the Word. The Bible is a book for believers. There is a verse in the New Testament, Luke 24:45, that says Jesus opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. Anyone cannot just open the Bible and understand what it says. Have you ever heard someone say, “I tried to read the Bible, but I couldn’t understand it.”? This is why unbelievers will pull verses out and throw them in our face, getting the meaning of Scripture all wrong. Imagine a young person stumbling upon what an unbeliever has said, shared, wrote, posted on social media regarding Scripture and falling into a huge hole of lies because they didn’t know the Truth.
Jesus talked in parables. He said, “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” – Matthew 11:15. The Holy Spirit is our teacher. You must have fallen on your face in true repentance before our Father asking the Holy Spirit to dwell inside you in order to open up the cover and start reading the Scriptures with the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to interpret them. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. No one falls down on their face in true repentance unless they fear the Lord. Scripture tells us to seek wisdom with everything we have, to get wisdom with all of our getting, get knowledge, get understanding. We need to be born again with new eyes to see and renewed minds to understand. Romans says to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Christians did not invent God as a way to make themselves feel better. Seems like an awful lot of trouble. Wouldn’t it be easier to just eat a tub of ice cream to feel better? Or use one of those hardeners we mentioned earlier? Or maybe drinking a bottle of Southern Comfort. I mean, it’s right there in the name Southern “COMFORT”. Seems to me that would be a lot easier than being a Christian. But, those are temporary band aids, tools and counterfeit devices of the enemy. We, as believers, have the real Comforter, the Holy Spirit, dwelling inside of us. If we were going to invent something to make us feel better it would probably taste good and be easy. Now, I know that sounds ironic to a believer since we can Taste and See that the LORD is good and His Yoke is Light, it’s easy. But, I’m speaking to a nonbeliever now. Christians are strong. Unbelievers are weak. That’s one reason it’s our job as Christians to get out into the world and pick unbelievers up off the battlefield. In many instances, they purposely don’t want to put down their fleshly desires. This makes them weak. Where we are weak, Christ makes us strong. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. The message of Christ must be preached to all. Jesus said we must deny ourselves, pick up our cross, and follow Him. Crosses are heavy! Christians have to be strong. No weak person can pick up a cross and follow Jesus. We must be strong in the LORD – so many verses that speak to this.
If Christians wanted something to make themselves feel better, they wouldn’t have a book that takes 1.5 years to read. We wouldn’t have 600+ laws and commandments to read, follow, obey, and even analyze to determine which ones we are still under and which ones Jesus fulfilled. We wouldn’t have such mystery regarding the end of days, and so much so that even the details divide our own body of believers. This division is exactly what the enemy wants because we, as believers, are all one body with Christ as the head. We certainly do not want to kill, sever, or harm our own body, but the creepers creep in unawares and they find ways to cause schism in the body. We wouldn’t have invented something that makes us held accountable for every thing that we do, good and bad. We wouldn’t have invented something that turns our hearts of stone to hearts of flesh and makes grown men cry. We wouldn’t have invented something that keeps us from things in this world that our flesh enjoys. Instead, we deny our fleshly desires so that we can honor our King and Glorify God in our bodies. We wouldn’t have invested something invisible to the naked eye, something that you must have faith in, and that many would not want to take comfort in it as well because they can’t see it. I could keep going, but I think you get the point. Saying we invented God is absolutely ridiculous. It makes no sense at all. No one would invent an invisible God to be held accountable to, stopping all things that feed their own flesh in order to feel better. If we just wanted to feel better, we’d grab some ice cream and a pillow – or whatever suits your fancy. That’s how most people comfort themselves to this day and it’s idolatry. We are supposed to find comfort in our Father. It’s the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, who comforts us in our times of need and directs us to our Father. Then, our Father sings over us. He loves us. That’s what Christians do. They don’t feed the flesh. They feed the Spirit. This is what I want all unbelievers to understand.
Once you are in Christ and you have accepted the Holy Spirit to dwell inside you, the LORD speaks to you. The LORD moves you. Miracles and blessings rain down in your life. He drags you out of the miry pit that you were drowning in, pulling you out by His loving hand. This is something a believer understands because it has happened to them. It’s a personal experience. This is why we cry. This is why we have allegiance to our King. Then, we become ambassadors of His Kingdom to those here on Earth. This is why the apostles died for what they saw, for who they were, for who they were with – God in the flesh. They weren’t martyred for a lie. Once the LORD has pulled you out of darkness and into His marvelous light, restoring you, YOU CHANGE. You are a new creation. You are transformed by the renewing of your mind. You do take into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. You are convicted about the music you listen to. You are convicted about the clothes that you are wearing. We have felt His love and we know how good He is. He loves us. He loves all of us. Scripture says He wishes for none to perish, not one. Scripture also says that what Jesus did on the cross, He did for the righteous and the unrighteous. Our creator loves you.
This isn’t your home. It’s like coming from a bright, beautiful, loving Kingdom with a Glorious King, a Kingdom full of magnificent colors and Holy Angels, and being thrown into a world that’s dying, full of darkness, and ruled by an evil enemy – you live here now. You live so far behind enemy lines. You are constantly being lied to and deceived in this fallen, dead world. You have to find your way out. You have to find your way out of the matrix to the Truth. Did you know the word “matrix” is in the Bible? Jesus said, “I am the way, the Truth, and the life”. Jesus is the way out. Jesus said, “I am the gate.” Jesus is the door and the Truth. What do we say down here on Earth all the time? We say, “The Truth Shall Set You Free”. Why? Because you are not free. Jesus, the Truth, is the gate out of this fallen world and to our freedom. He breaks the chains of bondage.
If you think you are being your own person and “doing your own thing”, you’re not. It’s a lie. You are doing the will of the enemy. The enemy is pulling the strings like you are puppet and you are doing the enemy’s bidding. Did you know some people who have died and come back to tell about it have stated that they saw demons with strings attached to people moving those people like puppets? What’s even more interesting is the numerous mentions in the Bible of breaking bands and chords. Think about that. Think about that in the music sense as well as Scripture is multilayered. The LORD says He will break those chains! He will set you free. He will lead you out of captivity. He will pull you out of darkness and into His marvelous light.
Jesus is the Life because this is a dying world. Heaven is not, and that’s where we belong. We had access to the Tree of Life in the garden. We had immortality, but we lost it. We have to find the Truth and go through the door, Jesus, to get back to the Father in order to live in everlasting life. Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father but through Me”. He is the door to the Father. Back to our Father. Back to living in everlasting life with our Father. This is what happens in Revelation. The old Earth passes away. Heaven rolls up like a scroll. A new heaven and a new Earth are brought down. We don’t need a sun or a moon to give us light because the Glory of our LORD is our light. We have access to the Tree of Life, again. Eden is restored. New Jerusalem comes down. That is waiting for YOU.
The Book of Peter says that we have a Living Hope. That Living Hope is Jesus. He is the way back to the Father. We have an inheritance in Heaven waiting for us. That inheritance is living in everlasting life with our Father, again. When we are reborn into the Spirit, we are adopted (by the Spirit of Adoption) and we are part of His royal family. We are co-heirs with Christ. We are a royal priesthood. Therefore, we have an inheritance from our Father. Our Father is full of riches. It’s going to be AMAZING!!! I don’t want you to not be a part of it. I want to pray for you… that I’ll see you there… that you made it… that you stumbled around in the dark, but then you found the light. Jesus is the light of the world. Did you know that He is also the Rock, the Cornerstone? To those who don’t believe on Him, He is a stumblingblock and a Rock of offense. That’s why we stumble in the dark. But, when we find Him, we become a lively stone that is built on top of His foundation.
If you haven’t done so, I URGE you to listen to His voice. He has already intervened in your life at pivotal times trying to get you to turn towards Him. Think about it. You know it has happened. Think back. Just fall down and repent for all of the wicked things you have done in your life and ask the Father for forgiveness. He abundantly pardons. Ask for the Holy Spirit. He will give it to you. He says we are evil and we give good gifts to our children, so how much more will He give a good gift to us? It’s a free gift. It’s available for everyone.
I could end here, but I didn’t yet touch on people who say that Jesus was just a prophet. A prophet is a person who hears the word of the LORD and tells the people what He wants them to know. Yes, Jesus did this, but He was more than a prophet because He is the Son of God, His only begotten Son, and God in the flesh. When Jesus was baptized, everyone heard a voice as thunder saying, “This is my Son in whom I Am well pleased.” Jesus said, “I and the Father are one.” Jesus was sinless. I don’t know any humans who are sinless. Jesus walked life out perfectly and He never disobeyed the Law of the Kingdom. He taught us the Law of the Kingdom. He performed many miracles. The miracles He performed are actually really interesting.
Jesus brought several people back from the dead. Oh! Isn’t that interesting! The Bible says we are the walking dead, dead in our trespasses. When we believer, we can have everlasting life with our Father, again.
Jesus cured an issue of blood. Oh! That’s an interesting story! A woman just touched His robe and He felt His virtue leave Him. He turned around and asked who had touched Him. She had so much faith, she thought, “If I could just touch the hem of His garment”, just touch His robe. She was healed, of course. Who is so Holy that they feel their virtue leave them? That’s God. He cured an issue of blood because we all have an issue of blood in these fallen bodies. The life is in the blood. Everlasting Life is in Jesus’ blood that was shed for you. We are covered by His blood. He died for us. It’s His sacrifice that paid the penalty for sins for every single person.
He cured blindness. Oh! You have to have eyes to see, to see in a spiritual sense. Awake! Oh, Sleeper and rise from the dead! And, Christ will give you light. You are asleep and you need to WAKE UP. Open your eyes, your spiritual eyes.
He made the deaf to hear. It’s that amazing! Let them who have ears to hear, hear!
He made the lame to walk. It just amazes me! Here we are, fallen, walking around in darkness, stumbling as the walking dead, and what did Jesus do? He ascended and prayed the Father to send us the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit came down and now we can walk in the Spirit. Yes, He actually did die and the tomb was empty. Over 500 people saw Him alive after His death. Then, He ascended to the Father to make a place for us. That’s what a bridegroom does for His bride! We, believers, His Church, are His bride. A bridegroom goes back to the Father’s house and prepares a place for He and His bride to live. Look up a Jewish wedding. It’s absolutely beautiful. He said, “I go to prepare a place for you.” He loves us! The bridegroom loves His bride.
Jesus was waaay more than a prophet. It’s clearly evident. These are things we need to dig into, and study, and tell our children, and tell our family, and tell our friends, and tell everyone else that we know. We need to be heralds to our King. Jesus said to pray that there would be laborers in the field because the laborers are few. I’m trying to labor in the field. I can only pray that I planted a seed somewhere with someone. Just thinking about the lost makes we weep. I was lost once. Despite going to church, I didn’t even know that there was “something else”. I was a pew warmer. I didn’t know there was something else besides a pew warmer. Now, I’m in the field.
I’m trying to let you know my heart. I’m after the Father’s heart. That’s what I’m after. I want to be a good ambassador to the Kingdom. I know He wants me to speak of His greatness. That’s what I’m trying to do. I hope this has touched you in some way. I hope it has sparked a fire, even a flame, to share this Good News with somebody else. Talk about Jesus with your children so they don’t end up lost. Scripture says “In all ways I will direct they paths”. If we aren’t in-tune with Him, He can’t direct our path. Then, we fall off the path – the path of a hope and a future that He had planned out for us before we were even born. When we fall off that intended path, we end up on the wide road to destruction that the whole world is on. We have to stay on the path that the LORD created for us. There is a straight and narrow gate. Jesus said that few find it. We need to help as many people find it as we can.