Tears in Bottle
Do you have pain? I know someone who helps with that. His name is Jesus Christ. He was born. He lived. He died. He rose again. All documented. All witnessed by hundreds of people. It’s a fact.
When you believe in the gospel and are born again – think your heart of stone being turned into a heart of flesh – think about Egypt as a womb where the Israelites were being formed, then delivered through the Red Sea like a narrow birth canal – Yes, when you are born again, you are a new creature.
Born of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit indwells you now.
This world can be rough. People can be rough. There are things that I still cry over like they happened yesterday. But, the Lord has every one of my tears in a bottle. He has yours, too. It is easier knowing your identity in Christ, knowing that no matter how much any friend or family hurt you, that you have a family. You have brothers and sisters in the faith. You have been adopted by the One True God, the Most High God into His family. There is no greater honor!
When our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ascended back to the Father, He told us that He would pray the Father to send the Holy Spirit. That He would not leave us comfortless. He would send the Comforter, even the Spirit of Truth. The Holy Spirit comforts us in all tribulation, and all sadness, in all of our grief. When our hearts hurt so bad that we can’t even pray, the Spirit groans, interceding for us to our Father in Heaven. And, He reminds us who we are, of the Truth. We know that Jesus loved us so much that He willingly laid down his life for us. We are Sons and Daughters of the King!
His Word says to put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. That heaviness you feel is a spirit! The Word says that God inhabits our praises. When you put on the garment of praise and you sing to our Lord as commanded, that spirit, any demonic spirit, cannot stand in the presence of our Lord. It will flee! His Word is The Truth.