Light Jesus

I was walking outside with my dog and looking around at the trees and the creek. I was thanking Father for the beauty I was beholding in nature. As I was doing so, I said, “And it’s fallen”.  I started to imagine what the world looked like before the fall and what it will look like when New Jerusalem comes down.  I can’t even imagine the type of beauty we will behold. in that day!  I wrote this “For Jesus” song.

Looking in awe at majestic trees

And flowers when they are in bloom

Seeing the rainbow in the sky

And smiling cause I know that’s you


Wondering at your creation

Knowing it is fallen

I can’t imagine seeing heaven

I know that I’ll be bawlin’


Because you love me

Because of your mercy


Sitting by a bubbling brook

Knowing that I need saving

Watching the water hit the rocks

You are the rock that I am craving




The Rock Of Ages is My King

To Him I humbly bow

I am at your service Lord of Hosts

I deny myself right now


I will exalt your name throughout the Earth

And raise my hands to the sky

The Ancient Of Days is in control

And His return is drawing nigh


Look up for Jesus

My Hope is in Jesus


Watching squirrels gather acorns and nuts

And the sparrows gather seeds

Being clothed in your righteousness,

You meet all my daily needs


You feed me with heavenly bread

I drink from your living well

You cover me with your blood

And heal me with a miracle


Because you love me

Because of your mercy


One day this earth will pass away

and the world will be brand new

I will accept my inheritance

And walk right next to you




The Rock Of Ages is My King

To Him I humbly bow

I am at your service Lord of Hosts

I deny myself right now


I will exalt your name throughout the Earth

And raise my hands to the sky

The Ancient Of Days is in control

And His return is drawing nigh


Look up for Jesus


My Hope is in Jesus




For Jesus Song

Written by Tracy Terry

Copyright ©️ 2022