deliverance bondage
We all need deliverance at some point in our lives. You may not think or believe you need deliverance, but you do. Until we are set free, we are prisoners of war, being held captive and in bondage by the enemy. We are tied down, restrained, and help captive by sins, iniquity, depression, addictions, fear, etc. Only the LORD can break the chains and bands of the enemy – not yourself, not any “higher power”, Only The LORD.
Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
Many people don’t understand how someone comes to Jesus. To put it simply, it is to be set free – free from sin, free from bondage, free from death. Jesus is the good shepherd who leads us to green pastures and beside still waters. You see, He refers to us as sheep because sheep need meticulous care. Being here, not our home, surrounded by demons in a world ruled by the prince of the power of the air, it’s no wonder we would easily be lead astray. Thank the LORD for His Word! How often do you say that you wish you had an instruction book for life? How quickly you forget that we do. It was given to us to show us how to overcome and live righteously without all these areas of bondage creeping into our lives – to save us from this world – to show us The Way to everlasting life. Sheep wander off and get lost. Sheep roll over on their backs and can’t get up. Sheep think the pasture next to theirs is better when the grass is dry and unhealthy. Sheep can’t see well in the dark. Sheep are easily frightened. Sheep need to led to green grass and waters in order to be well nourished and LIVE. Sheep walk a narrow path. There is no door on the sheep gate. The shepherd lays across the fold and acts as the gate protecting the sheep. Jesus said He is the Gate. He is the one who protects the sheep. He has living waters. He offers the promise land.
It’s often when we are at our worst, lowest point that we cry out to the LORD, and being faithful as He always is, He delivers us. He delivers us from our distresses and sets us free when we choose Him and accept Him and follower Him and obey His commandments. His yoke is easy. It’s not the hard yoke of bondage from the dark life we were living before, the former life which we are now ashamed. It’s blessings and not curses. It’s joy and not mourning. It’s freedom. It’s life.
I challenge you to pick up your Bible and start reading it. I challenge you to consider what you have to lose. I challenge you to speak to the LORD and ask Him to show you the Truth. Ask for Jesus in your heart and the Holy Spirit to dwell inside you. If the Holy Spirit is not there now – who is?
I will be honest with you. It will get ugly. It can be scary. When you choose to pick up your cross, deny yourself, and follow Jesus, the demons do not want to let you go. You have been such an easy target for them for so long. They strung you along like their favorite little demon puppet and you did all their bidding. But, the LORD says to resist the devil and he will flee from you. His Word is The Truth. They will flee from you, but you must resist. Sometimes it takes days, sometimes weeks, sometimes months. It depends on how many demons you have surrounding you and how much they don’t want to let go. You will see things. You will wake up between 3am and 4am in the morning in a pool of hot sweat with black shadowy figures in your doorway. I’m not going to lie. You will, and it sucks. But, you must put on your Armor of God and you must Stand Firm! Command them to go in the name of Jesus Christ. Keeping doing it every single night until it quits. And, when it has quit and they start to try to get you in your dreams, then you need to start praying over yourself before you fall asleep and learning to command them to leave in your dreams. It’s a learning curve. It takes practice. It takes a while. But, THEY WILL LEAVE. They will find the next easy target. And remember, once a demon is gone, it will go find seven more worse than itself and come back and try to get in. That is why it is so important to Be Sober and Vigilant because our adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour.
Don’t be devoured. Don’t remain a prisoner of war. Choose the freedom and life that Jesus has to offer you.