True Love

By Tracy Terry

There is a true love and a false love. The enemy LOVES to counterfeit The Most High. Love is no exception. What does it mean to rightly love? What does that look like?

Jesus Christ Is The Good Shepherd

By Tracy Terry

Jesus Christ is the good shepherd. He leads us through valley and to green pastures. He is always with us. He will never leave us or forsake us. He doesn’t leave the flock, like a hireling.

Passover – The Feast of The Lord

By Tracy Terry

Passover is celebrated in the first month on the 14th day of the month. This Feast of the Lord is commanded to be celebrated forever. It was celebrated in the Garden, by Jesus, and by the Apostles.

The Church Is Being RESET

By Tracy Terry

The church is being reset. Everything is being shaken that will be shaken. The sheep are being separated from the goats. There is an infiltration happening.