A Children’s Story about Being Kind to read your little ones. I wrote this book based on my dog, Sabre (pronounced Say Brrrr). It was the coldest day of the year when we brought him home. I have never had a dog like Sabre. He is the most tenderhearted, sweetest dog ever! He would never hurt a fly. He has even been bit by another dog at the dog park on three different occasions and he never even so much as growled back. I obviously don’t take him there any longer to play with other dogs. Instead, we adopted his current BFFs. We had to. He just loved other dogs so much.
You see, Sabre would see other dogs and cry because he loved to play with other dogs sooo much. But, he was always discriminated against. He was kicked out of puppy play at Petco at 4 months old. Yes, you heard that right – 4 months old. If only they could see him now. The trainer there was always singling him out and picking on him, making an example out of him. It really bothered me. He was just a baby. So, we brought him to puppy training. He had a hard time listening because he wanted to play with the other puppies so badly. There was an exercise they did where the parents would leave the room and they would see how the dog would react. Well, Sabre cried when the other parents left their dogs, too. Everyone was like, “Awww, he cries when other parents leave.” He just won over hearts there. She passed him.
Next, we started taking him to the dog park to play with other dogs so he would grow up dog social. Many, many times, we would pull up and take Sabre out of the car and everyone at the park would call their dogs in and pack up and leave before we would reach the gate. There we sat with Sabre all alone at the dog park with no dogs to play with. Everyone left. It broke my heart into a million pieces. Other times, 90% of the people would leave and a couple would stay. They would say to us that they didn’t understand why everyone else left. They would kiss Sabre and he would kiss them back as he always kisses on the first date. He would play and make friends that day. He played well with other dogs always, one-on-one or in a group setting. He’s even played with a little Chihuahua. Oh! and grasshoppers. He would gently pick up the grasshopper with his mouth and put it back on the cardboard he was watching it on, if it jumped away. He’s just soooo sweet.
I wrote this book on June 11, 2016, thinking about the way others judged him and still do. It’s wrong to do that to Sabre and it’s wrong to do that to other children as well. We have to learn that it’s what is on the inside that matters, not the outside. God judges the heart and so should we. No one should ever be judged by the way they look on the outside, ever.
I offer the book for FREE as a PDF Download. I do accept donations in exchange for the book, if you feel lead. Thank you and enjoy.